Tips for Buying Collagen Supplements

Collagen is a vital protein that promotes to your skin health. It keeps your skin firm, elastic, and supple. Before you attain the age of 30 years, your body steadily produces collagen. However, the production of collagen declines when you hit 30 years old.

When this happens, your skin starts becoming less vibrant. You may notice wrinkles as well as other signs of aging on some parts of your skin. Fortunately, when you visit, you’ll find a variety of collagen supplements. These supplements ensure that you are getting a good supply of all the collagen that your body requires.

The following are some tips for buying the best collagen supplements:

Go for Simple Ingredients

In recent years, collagen supplements have garnered a lot of popularity. As such, many brands sell these supplements in different forms. This makes choosing the right supplement daunting. If you ever find yourself overwhelmed by the different types of collagen in the market, choose the one with the simplest ingredients. This should either be collagen peptides, collagen hydrolysate, or hydrolyzed collagen. Any collagen supplement with a myriad of elements may be less effective.

Avoid Flavored Versions

When it comes to buying collagen, steer away from the flavored packages. Moreover, these flavors are mostly added sugars that don’t deliver any value to your body. The plain versions have less questionable additives. If you need to sweeten the supplement, go for the plain supplement and add a sweetener of your choice in the right quantity.

Check the Labels for Certification

Purchasing a collagen backstreet is a bad idea. Such supplements are probably not certified. Currently, the FDA hasn’t approved dietary collagen supplements. Nonetheless, check the labels for third-party certification. Some credible bodies approve such supplements. These include United States Pharmacopeia(USP), National Science Foundation (NSF), and Underwriter Laboratories (UL). If you find a collagen supplement with any of these certifications, know that it has been tested for safety. And that means that it is fit for consumption.

As you age, a collagen supplement may delay the aging of your skin. Additionally, this protein has other health benefits, such as reducing arthritis symptoms. Collagen has amino acids that aid digestion as well as prevents GI inflammation. The research on collagen as a dietary supplement is still ongoing. The evidence gathered suggests that it is an excellent protein with undeniable benefits to your skin health and much more.

Health Benefits of Ligandrol

Ligandrol is a popular supplement that is classified under a group of Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs). This supplement has been resourceful in helping men improve various their overall well being. Initially designed to combat a series of health conditions such as muscle wasting, medical studies show that it is an equally effective performance-enhancing product.

Its contribution as far as enhancing muscle building is concerned has been instrumental in its ever-growing popularity. It is for this reason that fitness enthusiasts have started using this supplement. That said, this write -up explores the benefits that this SARM has to offer.

Improved Muscle Mass

One of the main reasons that people hit the gym is to grow their muscles. As such, if you are passionate about increasing your muscle mass, Ligandrol is one of the best products to use. This SARM targets the androgen receptors in the bones and the muscles, a property that makes it exceptional as far as building muscles is concerned. However, it is advisable to ensure that you use it correctly to enjoy impressive results.

Helps With Strength Gains

Besides bulking up, a good number of users have positively affirmed that ligandrol results in remarkable strength gains. Ideally, more strength translates to putting more work at the gym. The harder you train, the more you will be able to stimulate muscle growth. As such, using this SARM will see you improve the magnitude of weights that you lift. Besides, you will be able to increase your workout intensity, which is every fitness enthusiast’s dream.

Promote Muscle Recovery

After a hard busy day at the gym, you need a rest so that your muscles recover. Recovery plays a major role in the muscle-building process. Using Ligandrol will help your muscles recover a lot faster, which means that you will be able to work out a lot more often. Many bodybuilders who have used this SARM report increased levels of intensity since it helps their muscles recover a lot faster.

Helps Maintain Muscle Mass

Ligandrol is also great for maintaining muscle mass. As such, this compound targets your muscles and keeps them hard even during periods when you have a calorie deficit. As such, you do not have to worry about losing muscle size during a cut. However, most people use this SARM for bulking and not cutting.

Ligandrol Review and Buying Guide

Ligandrol is one of the top supplements that have been enjoying a lot of popularity in the bodybuilding and athletic world. It is a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARMs). The product is commonly used as an alternative to the steroids. This makes it useful for both bulking and cutting. It is mainly used for bulking.

The right recommended dosage on a daily basis is 10 mg. It has been found to help stack up to 10 pounds of lean muscle mass per month. This is what most users have reported. It has gained a lot of attention due to its capacity to help bodybuilders buck up. This explains why it has aroused suspicion as a result of its use and considerable results.

You should note that Ligandrol bonds quite well with the androgen receptors. It is regarded as selective because of its ability to bond with androgen receptors that are found in the muscles. Fortunately, it does not bond with other androgen receptors that are found in the brains, bones, or fat. Other than being used as a performance-enhancing drug, it has special applications as a legal medical drug. The original drug was developed to treat the conditions of wasted muscle. This explains why it is used to treat muscle dystrophy. These conditions are attributed to specific illnesses, cancers, and old age.

Nowadays, Ligandrol is mainly used for performance enhancement. However, it can also have some risks associated with it. You need to weigh all of them before you decide whether to take the stuff or not.


The recommended dosage for athletes and people who want to build muscle mass is between 5 to 10 mg per day. You should take the supplement for at least 6 weeks. However, do not use it past 12 weeks. It is said that athletes gain about 1.5 pounds each week when they use this supplement. You can enhance the results by dieting. For instance, you should increase the high levels of protein.

Possible Side Effects

Ligandrol is quite popular because it is considered as a free alternative to steroids. However, this does not mean your consumption will not have any harmful side effects. It is a good idea to check with your doctor before you try weight lifting routine or any supplement. The truth is that this supplement is not recommended if you are less than 19 years.